Halloween Special

Ridley Park in Blyth

What an amazing day Friday was. I frightened my body by leaving the house shortly after sunrise and had the slow wander through Blyth towards Ridley Park to meet some cute little monsters and their parents.  I couldn’t have chosen a better day for it.  The sun was shining with just the right amount of bite in the air to make my cheeks pink, and there was just the right amount of cloud coverage to defuse the sunlight beautifully for portrait photography in the park.

Supersonic Tornado Monster-Fish

First I met a Supersonic Tornado Monster-Fish. When I say supersonic, I mean supersonic! There was no slowing down this cute little monster fish! Really hard to get a photo of him that wasn’t slightly blurred with the sheer level of speed this little guy was pulling off! We even tried a game of zombie statues. A little like musical statues but instead of dancing you run around and strike a creepy pose when someone says freeze. Even that couldn’t slow him down! But with a little persistence we managed to get one super cute photo of him so he could go zooming off onto his next adventure that day.

Super Cute Skeleton

Next I met one of the cutest little skeletons I have ever seen. This tiny toddling skeleton was cute enough to make the stoniest hearted person just a little broody. My ovaries are still aching. Just like any toddler we had to find a way to make a game of taking photos. We started by sitting by a tree with my trusty squeaker which I liberated from a murdered dog toy to catch his attention, then moved onto throwing leaves in the air and having a run around. I caught this super cute shot during our little run around.

Zombie Sisters

A little later I met a couple of cute zombie sisters. That day they were united by their shyness however with the bribe of McDonalds we managed to get the good stuff out of them. We did a little messing around to get them loose and comfortable. Lots of tickling, giggling and a bit of biting (no zombies or photographers lost fingers in the making of this photo) I managed to get this really cute photo of these cute zombie sisters tickling each other.

After a quick pint of cola and a questionable burger at one of the local watering holes, I wandered back towards the park for a little more monster catching. The next expected monsters were running a little late, which is understandable when you’re trying to convince four ravenous, sugar seeking monsters to get into one car. So I was able to enjoy the sunshine for a while and say hello to many of Blyth's ridiculously cute dogs.

Alices from Zombieland

I was able to take some photos with some cute zombie sisters who appeared to have fallen down the rabbit hole into Zombieland in the last few days. They had some pretty convincing blood on their heads and had even brought back a terrifying spider which I’m sure really wanted to eat my eyeballs. Seriously, zombies find some strange pets… We managed to convince said spider to sit one the smallest zombie’s hand, and after a few threats of tickling and biting we managed to get this super cute photo of both of them smiling.

Seriously Cute Skeleton and Blood Thirsty Vampire Brother

Finally we had a very shy little skeleton and her blood thirsty vampire brother. She was very nervous of me and the camera so we started by letting her have a look at my camera and even taking some photos. Once she was convinced that the camera was not going to eat her soul up and after the bribes of ice-cream, we managed to squeeze out this super cute photo of her and her little vampire brother.

I had a lot of fun in the park monster catching and will definitely be doing something similar in the near future. I have a competition running on Facebook for the parents of these monsters to win a £100 Zestlight Photography Voucher. If you would like to vote on which costume you think is the best this year, please head across to the Zestlight Photography Facebook page. I know the parents will be very grateful for your votes. If you would like to get involved in the next event, keep a close watch on both Facebook and the Blog. The next one will be around Christmas. Have a great Spooky Day, and try not to eat too many tooth rotters.


Quayside Bridges


Halloween Special