Media For Churches

The Digital Church Is Here

Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past
See, I am doing a new thing!
Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV

The world is changing and the digital now church is in. More and more people are consuming the gospel through digital formats such as social media, podcasts, and phone applications.  There are many who attend church and consume the gospel online for a huge variety of reasons which has made it more important than ever for your church or charity to be visible and active in this new online world. 


The Journey’s Beginning

My journey into faith started back in 2017 when God planted me into the perfect church to suit my wilder side in Newcastle, International Harvest Church.  I began getting to know Jesus on a far more personal level and my life was changed forever.  I discovered really early on that I had a heart to serve, and made myself and my gifts available during church events and special occasions.

In 2020 I made the decision that I wanted to actively seek out other Christians from outside my church to further my faith journey. It lead to me some unexpected friendships, with new brothers and sisters who helped me to grow in faith and confidence, then to me work with the Cedarwood Festival. This work it has lead me to meet many other Christians and leaders from a huge range of churches and charities including Worship On The Streets.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have
received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s
grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10

The Vision

This work I have been doing as a volunteer has brought me to the realisation that media within the Christian community needs to improve and I’ve taken on the task of helping as many churches and Christian charities as I can.

The vison is to help churches and charities to create effective, eye catching media which is engaging as well as informative. To equip them with a large tool kit of skills including engaging social media content, using Google Maps as a shop front, and effective website designs.

As a photographer I am gifted with the ability of creating beautiful imagery, with easy to use equipment and Adobe software. This can capture the eyes and imagination of an audience, making a lasting first impression which can get people wanting to know more.  These images are great to use on social media, Google Maps and the church’s website.  As a business woman, I have developed many fundamental skills that I use to create engaging content that is informative. I have gained an understanding of how to use Google Maps effectively, and how to build a solid website.  Not only are these skills essential for any business, but they are essential for a church or charity wanting a lasting online presence.  As an experienced teacher, I am able to pass on these skills effectively, helping individuals grow their own understanding of how the digital world works, and grow their own audience.

Media For Evangelising

Content creation has become incredibly beneficial tool for evangelising.  When we evangelise, people are far more likely to engage with content the find of social media than they are to someone in the street.  Although there is still very much a place for street evangelising, far more people can be reached through the internet, and combining the two together can be an extremally powerful way to get the gospel to reach people it wouldn’t normally reach.  With TikTok and Reels on Instagram and Facebook blowing up, short form content of worship and messages is able to reach incredible numbers of people.  The Covid crisis has caused many young people to start seeking answer to many of the harder questions, and a astonishing number of them are coming up with Jesus as the answer.  They are wanting to consume for of the gospel and gain a better understanding of the world. 

Powerful Online Tools

With many people seeking out Jesus for the first time, now that people are not trapped in their homes, they have started looking for local churches which match up with their personality and line up with the messages that they have been consuming on the internet.  This mean that the online presence of your church has become more important than it has every been.  It is a way for people to virtually step into the building before the physically step into the building and start feeling like they’re already starting to get to know you and the people there before they even meet you.  When they finally do step into the building physically, they are far more at ease and feel that they already know what to expect when they get there.   

Online tools are not just for churches, but are for Christian charities too. Many of the people who found Jesus during crisis are struggling with worldly problems such as addiction, debt, homelessness, etc. Having a good online presence can help service users find you, but also help fellow Christians to recommend you to people who require your services, and donate if it’s a cause they wish to support. Putting a face to these charities can help people feel at ease when they’re reaching out for the first time.

So what are the tools we can use to connect?

Social Media

Our latest generations is easily the most connected generations in history. With information just a few finger taps away and the rise of social media, the are the first generations to be raised that do not know a time before the internet. Social media has become the primary way for them to interact with friends, family and even social media influencers that they admire. Social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have become incredible platforms to reach young minds and get them thinking about Jesus.  Once you’ve captured the attention of someone on social media, many will look for more media with new information to absorb.

Google Maps

Think of Google Maps as the shop front of your church or charity.  In the business page you need to make it very clear the type of church and charity you are.  When people find you on Google Maps, they’re going to do one of two things.  Either they’re going to look immediately at your photos linked to the business page, or they’re going to click through to your website to find out more about you.  This is why it is important to have really good, colourful photos of happy smiling people who reflect what your church or charity, as well as photos of the building.


Your website is a great way to connect to your target audience on a more personal level, encouraging them more likely to attend your church or seek out your charity for the first time.  Include many of the same photos that you have on Google Maps as you tell the audience about your church or charity.  Although you can use stock images for some things, it is important not to fall into the trap that so many do of using the same over used free stock images.  Instead try use up-to-date original photography created just for you.  By using original, high quality images, you don’t just blend in with everyone else who’s doing the same thing.

What I Can Offer You

God has gifted me with my photography skills and has put it on my heart to help others to improve their media.  I would love to work with you on creating great content.  I’d like to help you to update your website with great photos of your church or organisation and the people within it.  I would like to also teach you how to take great photos and do basic editing ready to post on your social media.

I understand that not every church or Christian organisation has an enormous budget, but that is completely fine.  I really want to make this accessible to as many churches as possible which means I’m only asking you to pay what you can afford to pay me, even if that is only my expenses.  All money donated will be invested directly into the business so that I’m able to help more people.

What Happens Next

If you would like to have a discussion with me on how I can help you with great photography for you church or organisation, I am just a phone call away. Please call me to organise a meet up to have a chat and come up with a plan together. I am very excited to go on this next adventure with you.

Pay It Forward

Any pay it forward through PayPal will be gratefully received, going towards equipment which will be used for Learning and Ministry. I would also love to be able to buy a small number of bridge cameras which can be loaned out to churches and to be used for teaching purposes. It is a dream of mine to make the art of photography more accessible and cultivate the creative gifts of others.

A pay it forward of £30 covers a living wage for myself and any business expenses including travel. A typical hour on a shoot usually has between 2-5 hours work in post production, depending on the style needed. It also covers and hour of tuition where I teach people in ministry how to take photos for social media and even how to edit photos and use them effectively in social media and on a website.